Amazing service

“No need to hire foreign tour operators when the best live right in Nairobi” – Paul Bradley

Years of Trust

“Every year the school I work for does a field trip to Mt. Kenya and every year we employ Joseph and his company to organize and guide our trip.  Over the years we have grown to know and trust Joseph with our safety, which is our number one concern.  He and his guides have expert knowledge of, not only the conditions on the mountain, but also how to handle unexpected events, such as sickness, fatigue, and medical needs.
The last time I climbed with Joseph, we had a member who became very sick and fatigued, and Joseph made the difficult call to find a way to get this guy off the mountain.  It would have been dangerous for him to continue and there was no reason to risk his life for this adventure.  Getting him down was a challenge as the mountain is so remote, but with Joseph’s connections to many people in the area, he was able to do so without stopping the expedition for the rest of us.  A huge shout out to Joseph and his company!!!”

– David Tilley, Rift Valley Academy

Repeated Success

“My first trek with Joseph was up Mt. Kenya when he guided a group of five of us. The trek was fantastic – Joseph chose routes with spectacular views, good camping sites, and really very private trekking. That was such a success that a few years later, I contacted Joseph again and asked him organize a larger group for a trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro.

His expertise made the trek a great success – he suggested an extra day in the assent to acclimatize, got my brother off the mountain when he got in trouble, coached us how to manage the final assent to the peak, and really just handled the trek superbly. I am about to turn 80 and am ready to go with Joseph again.”

– Stephen Bradley

Dedicated Pros!

שמי פליקס מלול וברצוני לומר מספר מילים על הניסיון שיש לי עם JOSEPH והצוות שלו.
אני מכיר את JOSEPH מעל ל-10 שנים וטיילתי וטיפסתי על מספר הרים באפריקה יחד איתו ועם ציוותו.
טיפסתי על הר קניה, הר קילימנגרו,הר סטנלי באוגנדה וגם עשיתי ספארי עם משפחתי בקניה.
הדבר הכי חשוב בטיולים מהסוג הזה זה שיהיה צוות מקצועי ומסור שנותן לך תחושה שאתה נמצא בידיים בטוחות ושיש מענה גם לדברים בלתי צפויים.
בשורה התחתונה מאוד ממליץ למי שרוצה לטייל באפריקה ולטפס על הרים או לחילופין לעשות ספארי לעשות עם JOSEPH והצוות שלו.
בהצלחה ואפריקה היא יבשת מרתקת וכיפית לטיולים!

See English Translation

– Felix Mallul


“I had the pleasure of hiking to the top of Kilimanjaro with Joseph and his team. His team is built with local porters, cooks and mountain guides that bring a level of knowledge about the area that was unsurpassed. They could answer all my questions about the flora and fauna which is not easy since you start at the rainforest and end up on rocky tundra.

Joseph does a wonderful job of welcoming his guests and preparing them for the days on the trail. This allowed me to feel comfortable and ready to hike on day one and through out the trek.

I felt such an accomplishment upon reaching the summit and thoroughly enjoyed my trek up Kilimanjaro.”

– Jessica Durkin